Hole 8
Welcome to the second part of my play through of Beaver Ranch Disc Golf Course in Conifer Colorado. I’ll play through holes 8 through 14 with a final part covering the final 7 holes. So, what is interesting about hole 8?
This is the kind of hole you look forward to throwing well before getting to the course because it’s classic. You get to throw across to the next hill side all the while throwing a bit down hill to help cover the distance to which ever basket you play, and there are 4 choices(except for D which is up there). I like the B setting personally, it provides a really fun shot. That’s not to say it’s an easy shot. Prepare yourself for some kind of wind or breeze that can really demand using the right disc and executing the right shot to get close. Watch out for the up hill head wind that likes to flip drives into the trees down and right of the tee. One of those trees caught a disc of mine last summer. Cool part, I got it back!
The 9th hole
The 9th hole is usually the half way mark on the round but at beaver ranch disc golf course its not. Half way is between 10 and 11 because there are 21 holes. In any case watch out for the sidehill on hole 9 because roll-away down the hill does happen. Position C is the gold basket and it is a bit flatter but almost a hundred feet further.
Hole 10

The side hill continues from the last hole onto 10. The silver basket is marked in this picture, the gold basket is further and to the right. Both locations are served by a shot that moves left to right and land with the hill because discs can roll quite a way down to the right.
11 is a really challenging downhill throw that benefits from getting the nose of the disc down so it doesn’t finish hard left. Because of the hill and the ridge a roll away can happen left or right or long. I failed to get a good picture of the fairway and basket so I went with an old pic I found that I’ll update next time I play but you can see the ridge. This hole has a spot in my heart personally because it’s one of the few holes I’ve aced.
Hole 12
Expect some difficulty adjusting from what felt like straight down hill to right back up because it can trip you up on your tee shot. Personally I have to make sure not throw my disc straight into the group of trees just right of the fairway that I marked. If your able to get up and over them you have access to a hyzer to the silver basket and a straight shot over the trees to the gold basket. It’s steeper than the picture looks but you’ll feel it when you size up the shot from the tee. Get your shot up to the right height and birdy is a definite possibility.
Much of what I said for 12 applies to 13 except you have no bunch of trees to work around. So get the right disc and do your best to get it straight up to the basket for a putt at birdy.
The 14th hole
The A setting on 14 is just about straight up a slight hill with trees guarding the right side and protecting from all but the luckiest miss throws to the right. Many shots like to finish left or get blocked by those right side trees, but a forehand or flexed backhand find plenty of room on the left side.
B and C baskets set up for the right hand backhand hyzer shot however pay attention to the elevation up the hill to get around the trees left. Playing the gold basket makes this hole a par 4 at 450′ and no elevation change due to the sidehill left. Get up and around the group of three trees mashed together in the picture above and you have a straight look down to the basket. There is also an inside lane that accesses the B basket placement that can double as a route to the Gold basket but it requires some luck to make it all the way through.
More to come…

That’s it for this section of my walk through of Beaver Ranch Disc Golf Course in Conifer Colorado. Please follow this LINK to see holes 15 through 21. The last 7 holes have more goodness so get ready for more exciting disc golf. Before I sign off I’d like to thank Front Range Pet Stop for making this walk though possible. Those guys are local and always happy to answer your pet containment questions. That includes cats as well as dogs!

On our way to 15