Hello and thank you for checking out my walk through of Expo Park Disc Golf Course in Aurora Colorado. I’ll be covering the front 9 this week and the back 9 next posting. The course is located just off Havana st and Exposition so it is easy to get to and also easy to find. I used my UDisc app as usual to get to the location because why make life more difficult?
Hole one is a straight up shot with a future tree guarding the fairway. As you can see the orange netting only stops low shots right at the basket and this trend continues throughout the front 9. I like to see that they are protecting the young saplings.
One must take a short walk to get to hole 2. Once there anyone can see that the basket is on the other side of the pond, but it’s a small pond and the shot is just about 200′. I chose my stable disk and made sure it finished on the left and safe. But, with a little practice on the course I can see this being a nice birdy hole.
After 2 I walked across the bridge and around to the left this time to get to hole 3. It was at this point that I realized that the distances are right there on the tee pad! So helpful but getting a bit worn down. Hole 3 is pretty straight forward and follows along the path so watch out for walkers and bikers.

Hole #4 is one of only a few over 400′ so grab a driver and give it a good spin because if you can really get a good one there’s not much in the way of a birdy put at the end of your drive.
Hole #5 has one of the new tree’s but it won’t get in the way for a long time yet. But, the tree at the end of the fairway has a chance of blocking a straight shot. The grass near the basket has been worn down a bit and in the shade so a skip at the chains can happen. A shrot walk to the right from the basket gets you to the tee pad for 6.
Hole #6 is another hyzer throw around a tree near the basket, but this tree is really guarding the basket. Do your bast to get it past the tree and you may find yourself a short birdy put.
Hole #7 sets up nicely for a straight mid-range throw, just go for he field goal between the trees! Once again there is a great chance for birdy here with only 222′ to the basket. After what was a missed birdy put I walked to the right to find the bridge across the creek to hole #8.
Hole #8 is almost to the 400′ mark with a set of trees guarding the basket. The trees are just close enough to give your disc a difficult time with any long hyzer shot, so I went with my best long flippy driver and did my best to work it right before finishing up left to straight.
Finally we have hole #9 with still some more young trees protected by orange netting. Unlike earlier hole this netting did get in the way of my drive. Fortunately I skipped off the top and didn’t have a problem with my up shot other than it may have been a bit longer due to the contact. Eventually the saplings will grow into good guardians but only if they are protected as they grow.
The water doesn’t really play that much into most of the shots on this front 9 so on a calm day under par is defiantly a possibility. I played the front 9 pretty cautiously because the wind clocked in the double digit that day and only carded even par.

Not much going on to brag about here, but at least there no orange numbers!

Max and I look forward to showing you the back 9 of Expo Disc Golf Course in Aurora Colorado and thanks to Front Range Pet Stop for making this all possible!