This year a new disc golf course has opened on the south side of Denver in Highlands Ranch and I knew Max and I had to play it! The course is located only about a mile south of C470 on S Broadway. Keep your eye out for the sign on the right side of the road. Hole one is a short walk to the left of the lot. Follow the sign.
Hole 1
The first hole offers some challenge right from the start. Watch out for the blind shot. I used an over-stable disc. under most conditions. I’ve marked the picture with an X marks the spot where you want your disk to end up. Be aware that if you juice your shot up too much you may end up beyond a drop off that leads sharply down hill toward the cheek. Needless to say getting down there will make your second shot a lot more difficult. Take it easy float nice hyzer shot and get an easy up shot for par.
Hole 2
Hole 2 is pretty straight forward. Throw a 360′ shot that hugs the path. Do your best not to flip your shot and lose it right, the creek is OB. If your shot hyzers over to the left the path and beyond plays as a hazard. From the basket continue to follow the path, you will see a sign directing you to the third hole.

Hole 3 is the first par 4 at 489′ when set on orange like it was today. I recommend keeping it on line with the basket and hitting the “fairway”. The grass isn’t really all that bad out there but it is always nice to walk straight to your shot. It is a bit down hill so keep that in mind in regard to your disc angle.
Holes 4, 5 and 6
Holes 4, 5 and 6
Holes 4, 5 and 6 are not that complicated and are pretty straight forward. 4 is a long par 3 but has a mowed “fair way”. That is to say a shot down the middle allows you to really get it out there with an easy up shot. It’s straight along the slight side hill. Hole 5 is kind of long too and is a slight dogleg right. I can’t get it there in one. Therefore I went for a hyzer shot to finish slightly left in the open area, which consequently gives me a better up shot for par. 6 is the shortest of the three however it plays uphill for some added difficulty. I like to use a stable disk that I can hang up high and right. I had a nice birdy put that bounced off the right side basket. Missed it by that much |___| !
Holes 7 and 8
Hole 7 is the second par 4 on the course. There’s plenty of room to blast your best hyzer disc into the fairway to give yourself a chance for birdy. Firstly it’s not a really long hole at 405′ so for most of us birdy is at least on the menu. Secondly the course designed around what amounts to a really nice gully therefore the shape of the area can funnel the wind and increase the difficulty of course. Above all be careful of what the wind is doing. My second shot caught a strong right to left gust and blew well left of the basket. My 10′ putt turned into 50′, OOPS!

Moving on to 8 is a bit of a walk. At the time there was an issue with the creek running over the walk way and I was forced to use the hand rail to keep my shoes dry. Usually there isn’t much water to deal with. Once across the water you’ll turn right to find the tee box. Just follow the path and get some shade! Trees are now in the mix and will be in play on a number of holes moving forward. On this hole the basket is tucked into some trees. A straight shot is a great bet but get it up a bit, at 354′ it’ll need to carry and stay below the trees by the basket.

Hole 9

Hole 9 is pretty short at 222′ but there’s plenty going on to keep it interesting. With a low ceiling and the basket tucked behind some trees the fore hand shot is good if you got it. I went with an under-stable disc and turned it over for a long birdy putt.
Thank you
That’s it for the front 9 of West Fork Disc Golf Course in Highlands Ranch Colorado. Most importantly I’ll be getting the back 9 up here. In addition thanks so much for taking the time to read my review. Max and I really enjoy playing disc golf and as a result I tend to meet a lot of dogs and there owners when playing. It’s great to see people getting out and enjoying the Denver area with the furry friends along for the trip. Pets are a passion of mine and I have extended that to my professional life. As an owner of Front Range Pet Stop I am blessed to help dog an cat owners with there pet containment needs. We install systems that replace conventional dog fences that are accepted by HOA’s and are invisible to the eye. Please check us out at FrontRangePetStop.com .